
Donate to our work

As a voluntary, non-government organisation we depend on membership fees and the generosity of our members and supporters for their donations and bequests to fund our environmental activities and programs.

We are a registered charity. You can make a tax-deductible donation using the form below to our general work or nominate a preferred project*. Projects being funded are:

  • Rosenberg’s Goanna Project
  • Annual Honours Scholarship
  • Work parties
  • Publications
  • Indigenous engagement

*By law, the final decision on use of tax-deductible donations rests with the Committee.


Making your will is one of the most important things you can do. It not only ensures that your affairs will be settled exactly as you wish, but by making a bequest to the NPA ACT your voice will continue to be heard on the issues you believe in.

Because the NPA ACT is a non-profit, non-government, non-partisan and totally independent organisation, we depend almost solely on the generosity of our members and supporters to help fund our ongoing work.

Your gift, large or small, can make a significant difference to our work, funding projects and campaigns which may not otherwise be possible. Your bequest will also help to ensure the financial sustainability and long term security of the NPA ACT.

A Lasting Legacy for the ACT

The creation of a protected area system containing adequate samples of all natural ecosystems is essential for nature conservation in the ACT. However, major gaps still remain in this system.

Several unique habitats are not yet properly protected including riverlands, grass lands and red-gum yellow-box woodlands. This leaves several species of native plants and animals, including native fish, frogs, reptiles and birds, not yet protected.

The ACT’s parks and reserves and unique ecosystems face threats on a number of fronts, and NPA ACT is at the forefront of efforts to counter these threats.

With your help, support and future vision, the NPA ACT will always be there to:

  • advocate for strong protection and sound management for our parks and natural areas.
  • counter inappropriate development proposals and safeguard the integrity of our existing parks.
  • establish new reserves to protect adequate samples of all bushland types and na tural ecosystems.
  • implement measures to protect native vegetation not currently protected in the reserve system, on public and private land in the ACT.
  • share our goals for nature conservation and encourage public care and appreciation of our parks and wildlife.

The National Parks Association of the ACT shares a vision of the ACT as a place with a diverse, secure and healthy natural environment cared for and appreciated by all.

Yes! I would like to be part of that future vision.

A bequest to the NPA ACT is a gift ensuring a magnificent inheritance for all Australians. If you would like to go ahead and make a request please fill out this form.

Without obligation, I would like to discuss leaving a bequest to the NPA ACT in my Will.

Please let us know what day and time are best to contact you
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