Bulletin - Vol 61 No 2 June 2024
The trig on Mount Palerang in the Tallaganda State Conservation Area. Photo by Jan Gatenby

In this issue:

The fight for Tallaganda

 A campaign to stop logging near the Tallaganda reserves, 40km south-east of Queanbeyan, has reignited a debate about ending native forest logging across the country.

State of the Environment Report

 The 2023 State of the Environment Report details the continued, relentless degradation of the ACT’s natural environment, particularly natural grasslands and Box–Gum woodland.

 Kosciuzsko celebrates its 80th anniversary

An event at the Alpine Hotel on 18 April celebrated the date 80 years ago on which the NSW legislature voted to protect the alpine areas of the state by establishing Kosciuszko State Park.

Tidbinbilla - my spiritual home

Recently retired Tidbinbilla ranger and manager John McRae reflects on his time at the reserve and the tortuous path that got him there.

The fall and rise of Lake George

 The rises and falls of levels in Lake George, near Canberra, have long been a source of fascination. ANU scientist Brad Opdyke talks about his recent research on the lake and what previous rises and falls in levels may mean for the lake’s future in the context of the effects of a changing climate.

Plus bushwalks, outings program, Parkwatch and much more 

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